
Employee Q&A
with Darcey Lockyer

By : Synextra


Synextra employee Darcey Lockyer, headshot for employee q&a


This month we are excited to greet our new senior marketing executive Darcey Lockyer who is bringing fresh ideas and a new energy to our top tier Synextra marketing team (no bias here). We had a chance to ask Darcey a few questions over a coffee and in front of the camera. So, if you prefer to watch the video click here, otherwise there’s a slightly more detailed version here.


You’ve joined Synextra at an exciting time, how are you finding it so far?

It’s really exciting being able to be a part of a business that is growing in an industry that is expanding so quickly. The idea of growing with a company is something I have always strived towards and being able to see exactly my impact and addition to this.
Being able to have such a creative aspect to this role where the sky is the limit, I think has been my highlight thus far. Working closely with design, video, and our CEO Chris to generate unique campaigns with sprinkles of fun has been amazing.
I’m excited to see what my future at Synextra brings.


Tell us a bit more about your career up to this point.

I started my career in sales, but knew I had a passion for marketing that I wanted to explore, but this definitely helped me understand the funnel of sales and lead generation.
I always knew I wanted to be broader in marketing rather than specialise myself too much, and I have worked hard to ensure I have had those opportunities. I have worked with B2C and B2B companies and organisations both in agency and inhouse, and I have finally found my niche which I am thoroughly enjoying.
Being able to get up each day and be excited for work and what the day may bring is invaluable to me.


What’s your favourite thing about working in marketing?

The thing I enjoy most about marketing is definitely how diverse it can be. I am so interested in each aspect of marketing from paid advertising, social media, to even SEO. Really seeing how bringing all of these elements together can take a company like Synextra, to the next level and see the growth it has led to whether that be leads, revenue or just brand exposure.
I really enjoy how each day working in marketing is so diverse, no two days are the same. Being able to unleash my creativity and get paid for it, it’s the dream.


What has been your biggest achievement?

I think one of my biggest achievements so far was definitely picking up my life and moving to a new city. After being at university in Manchester and living there for 3 years, I moved to Liverpool only knowing my closest friend there. But from that I’ve made some of the closest and supportive friends I could have imagined, moved into my dream flat with my two amazing best friends and managed to graft my way to now working as the senior marketing executive here at Synextra. It’s crazy to look back at where my life was 2 years ago and compare it too now.


What does a typical weekend look like for you?

A typical weekend for me is normally pretty quiet! There’s nothing I love more than being able to just be at home with my friends & boyfriend, probably watching movies and cheffing up a big meal. Then most likely ending the night with a bottle of red on the balcony.

What was your first job?

My first job was waiting tables at an Indian restaurant in my hometown when I was 15. I am a massive foodie so being able to take home free food at the end of every shift I think for me was a massive bonus, and probably why I worked there so long. If you ever need advice on what curry you should try next; I definitely have you covered!


Tell us something not a lot of people know about you?

 Not sure how unknown it is but I’m vegan! (Queue the jokes.)
I have been vegan for nearly 3 years now and honestly would never go back! It was definitely a challenge adapting at first when anything junk food was always a go to for me (The McPlant helps). But I have never felt better in myself for it, health wise and mentally.

Something else not a lot of people know is I’m a massive musical theatre nerd! I go and see everything I can, from Hamilton to Les Miserable I have seen a lot of shows.
I think one of my absolute highlights was meeting Niki M James who won a Tony award for her Book of Mormon performance. We had a backstage tour of the original Broadway theatre, met the cast and went for dinner with her in New York surrounded by other Broadway stars. – Definitely a once in a lifetime experience.


Want to be a part of the Synextra team, changing the game in a new era of cloud? Keep your eyes peeled on our LinkedIn for any potential job openings!

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